deKay's Lofi Gaming

Stuff wot I are bin playing

I’ve not posted in a while, aside from to mention Yakuza 3 and Old World Blues, but I have still been playing games. Here’s a round-up of what’s been going down over the last few weeks: Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS) I actually completed this at the start of the year, but as I did with the previous two games once the story was done I left the remaining puzzles until near the release of the following game. …

A post about video games

Hello! It’s been a little while since I last posted anything, mainly because I’ve been busy. Thought I’d just mention a few upcoming games that’s I’m really looking forward to, and some other game related stuff. It’s been a slim few months for releases I’ve been interested in. Partly because there haven’t been that many big games over the summer, and partly because due to the £18 Rule I don’t get much on release any more and by the time …